WTB: Enfants Riches Deprimes Checkerboard Jacket

 This week brings us one of the most hyped items on the resale market. The Enfants Riches Deprimes (Google translated to "depressed rich kids") white nylon jacket is one of of Enfant's best designs to date. E.R.D is a brand based out of LA, but all of the fabrics are both vintage and sourced from Europe, which is pretty sweet. This jacket is perfect if you ever have an urge to play chess on the back of your homies back, or you don't feel like buying an actual chess set. Back logos on anything are instantly dope, and this jacket is no different. Another feature that's cool is that it says "Enfants Riches Deprimes" across your back, so you can let everyone know you speak French. You'll probably butcher the hell out of the brands name every time you say it, but oh well, you're a rich kid who doesn't care, right? Pick it up here.

Jackson Ray