Enfants Riches Deprimes Is the Brand Fashion Needed

If you haven't heard of Enfants Riches Deprimes ( Translated to "Depressed Rich Kids"), then you haven't been paying attention to one of the hottest brands in men's fashion. Creative Director, Henry Levy has brought something new to the table that has been desperately missing in men's fashion; Irony and Controversy. What I love most about Enfants is the "do whatever the fuck I want to attitude." Levy has done a great job pushing that attitude collection after collection. This season, we see Putin's face on the back of a jacket, which is perfect considering the political climate that we are currently in. The LA based label continues to make what it wants, when it wants. It is refreshing to see a brand put out designs that doesn't follow trends and doesn't seem like it is trying to desperately sell you a product. The brand's genuine authenticity makes it one of the most refreshing brands in men's fashion. Some of my favorite pieces from this season include the chain jacket, the embroidered hoodie, and the cropped pinstripe trousers.  For the genuine punk, rock n' roll aesthetic, there is no brand doing it better. 

Shop the new collection now on enfantsrichesdeprimes.com