Dawn of Man by Nathan Achorn

I met Nathan Achorn (the designer of the collection) through mutual friends in NYC this past month. I got to see just some of the work he had done for this collection then. But now seeing his completed lookbook and his vision on display is a really rewarding experience for me. This is a very minimal look, but has some amazing details. The label is one of my favorite elements to this collection. The way the garments are constructed are also very unique. I had the pleasure of getting to discuss his current collection and some of the elements that inspired it. Here is the Dawn of Man lookbook and commentary by Nathan Achorn. 

When did you start designing, and what urged you to you to do so?

  "I'm a 21 year old kid from Chicopee, MA. It is a fairly small town in Western Massachusetts. I can't say for sure who I am exactly, I prefer not to personally identify as a "Designer" because I have too many interests in life that are as important to me if not more. Music would be a huge one. There has been no form of art more significant to me than that. It's changed me so much in the past couple years, and so rapidly. It's allowed me to adapt and express myself emotionally. That's ultimately one of the major factors that's influenced me to design. I saw similarities in Fashion Design to the way music communicates, and it was a more logical fit for me."

Tell us about "End. Studios"

 "End.Studios was created by Zachary Rinvil, a good friend of mine from my hometown, as a place for us to release all of our creative projects and collaborations. He's an incredibly creative human and easily one of the most intelligent people I know, and he's only 18. This past June we opened a Storefront in Chicopee, MA for a month's time as a Pop-Up Shop, collaborating with a couple local brands and allowing them the opportunity to have a physical retail space for their product to be displayed. It turned out to be pretty successful for the area, despite getting shut down for the third week. It was due to an event that had us over capacity, which isn't the worst reason to be temporarily shut down. Ultimately I think End.Studios communicated it's message, and thats all that matters to me. "

What was your inspiration behind this collection?

 "The collection was just necessary. We had not released cut and sew clothing and I've had ideas flowing for a while. Directly I would say the inspiration came from Nature. Speaking for myself, and probably Zach as well, I spend a lot of time thinking about existential questions about life and the universe. I've become a very detail oriented person, and I feel much different looking at the natural world. The collection to me reflects what it feels like to stand on top of Mt. Washington in New Hampshire, after climbing 5 hours, and to stare out at miles and miles of space and see the curvature of the Earth. That's awe inspiring. That's Awesome. "

What do you think should be worn with your collection? How do you vision people styling it?

  "As far as appropriating the clothes in everyday life goes, I can't say I have a preference. I can say I think there's certainly a market for it, and I'll leave it to the individuals to wear it in their own creative context. "

Do you have a personal favorite piece in the collection?

  "My preference in clothes changes day to day as my preference in artists does. But today I'd say the Alpine Tote is my favorite. "

What was the hardest part about hand making all of your own garments?

  "I wouldn't say constructing clothes is difficult. Understanding how it is constructed can be at times, but I think anyone is capable of doing it."

When and or will you have your collection available for purchase, and will it be soon? Also what kind of price point are you looking at, and why?

 "I look to release the collection in installations or deliveries. I prefer to space out the releases and give them time for exposure, as it is Our first. It is technically a Spring collection, although I don't care to label it as such. It will be available for as cheap as I can make it, but I'm unsure of the exact numbers at the moment. "

Big thank you to Nathan for sharing some insight to his collection. Follow him @nathanachorn

Models :  @romel.doyle , @_arcturus