At Home with Maggie Holladay of Claude Home

While the world has had an extended stay inside for most of the past year with the ongoing global pandemic, the attention on interior design and curating a space has become a new importance for a lot of people. But where does one start in the vast selection and troves of chairs, end tables, and other decors? It begins with looking at your personal style, what interests you, and of course what is functional for your lifestyle. This is exactly what Maggie Holladay did when she began Claude Home.  

Founded in 2018 by Holladay, Claude Home has become one of the leading names in mid-century modern furniture as well as a source of inspiration for all things interior design. Starting as just an Instagram for a collection of sourced trinkets and home decor has now become a thriving business with over 110K followers. From unique vintage finds to sourced chairs from the likes of Pierre Paulin & Marcel Breuer, Claude Home prides itself on the curation of distinct pieces. We recently visited Holladay’s East Village Studio to gain insight into how she started her business as well as what currently inspires her. Be sure to read the full interview below.

What prompted you to start Claude Home?

“Claude Home started as a hobby. I was collecting so many trinkets and my boyfriend at the time was like “Start a dumb Instagram account, sell these things and get them out of our house”. After a few months, I started to get a following, my love for interiors/furniture grew and I decided to make it my full-time job.”

How does your *fashion* background inform and influence your furniture design?

“It influences it a lot. While working in fashion I was always around so many beautiful clothing pieces which evolved my personal style. Now I like furniture that reflects the way I dress. Very simple, but beautifully crafted pieces.”

Who and what inspires you?

“I’m inspired a lot by odd shapes, different textures, and the beauty of simplicity. In the furniture line, I’m working on a lot of pieces are inspired by odd shapes I see while going throughout my day.”

How has Covid-19 impacted your business (or the industry at large?)

“I am very lucky how Covid-19 has impacted my business. As so many people are stuck in their homes there’s a huge influx in people having an interest in design and interiors, which brings me more clients. I’m very thankful for the last year.”

Do you work in a sustainable way? Explain.

“We do, the best we can! The majority of our items are vintage so less landfill waste, also working with vintage fabrics when we can when doing reupholstery.”

What makes Claude Home unique when compared to other companies in the same space?

“I think the fact that we have a very limited inventory but every piece is so beautiful is something that’s unique. I get overwhelmed on furniture websites that have 500 pages of chairs. I try to only sell items I would have in my home.”

What are the most rewarding and challenging aspects of the design process/your business?

“Most rewarding is when I great amazing feedback from customers or followers. Often, people, I’ve never met before or talked to will send me messages like “I’ve been watching you grow for the last year and I'm so proud of you and your success.” Hearing that from a stranger is such an amazing feeling.
The most challenging is 100% shipping logistics.”

Which products does Claude Home currently offer?

“We have my favorite cowhide Wassily chair, these amazing ceramic sculptures by Eva Marie Pappas, The Lou chair we designed. And many other beautiful items!”

What advice do you have for those who wish to enter your field?

“Stick to your style. Don’t try to enter a different lane if it doesn’t feel right to you”

Be sure to shop Claude Home’s Collection online here.