Our Favorite Camp Collar Shirts for Summer

Summer is upon us. The months which are often associated with pleasure and relaxation are also those which bring scorching temperatures and limit our sartorial strength. This means style-minded individuals must approach warmer conditions with finesse and focus - taking weather into consideration without letting the sun bake your style.

For those determined to flex this summer and inject some style into their summer attire, look no further than the camp shirt. This saucy staple has 18th-century roots but enough novelty to add a debonair quality to make even the most elementary fit a street heater. The camp-collar shirt is a structureless alternative to the traditional button-ups which dominate the weekdays. Few shirts can rival the nonchalant vibe possessed by the camp collar shirt - these shirts are meant to be worn with a button or two undone, so as to lend a comfortable and breezy vibe to what might otherwise be a subdued outfit. Paired with the right accessories, a camp-collar shirt is an expert option to straddle the sweet spot between streetwear and luxury fashion, making it a power move for summer 2019.

Below we’ve included some camp collar shirts and similar alternatives from streetwear and luxury fashion brands to combat the sweltering summer heat in style.

Wacko Maria


John Elliott


Calvin Klein 205W39NYC




Dries Van Noten


Our Legacy






Aimé Leon Dore


