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Fucking Awesome: Jason Dill's "Personality Disorder Company"

King Jones.

Everyone who owned a skateboard has once aspired to look as cool as Jason Dill thrashing with a cast on his arm and cigarette in his mouth. As the unofficial "Bad Boy" of skateboarding, Jason Dill gained notoriety through his long affiliation with Supreme and untouchable talent in the sport itself. Seventeen years after its creation, Fucking Awesome is the epitome of an authentic, we-don't-give-a-fuck brand. The brand used homeless people in its promotional shoots and featured Adolf Hitler and Saddam Hussein in products. When Fucking Awesome became "too popular," Dill closed the whole brand down for a year. Can you tell Dill isn't after money?

Source: 483eclass

The FA skate team is even more impressive: Tyshawn Jones, Nakel Smith, Kevin Bradley, Kevin Rodrigues, Ave, Sean Pablo, Sage Elsesser, Aiden Mackey, and the list goes on. The FA roster is, literally, fucking awesome.

Source: 032c

Dill doesn't define Fucking Awesome as a streetwear company. In fact, Dill says FA really has nothing to do with skateboarding. He thinks of FA as an idea company. Dill doesn't use the internet; he finds or makes his own inspirations. Dill's inspiration can range from New York City to an Amnesty International poster he finds in the trashcan. Thus, FA is never seasonal. As you can imagine, such sporadic production is questionable from a business standpoint. Now you know why Dill calls Fucking Awesome a "personality disorder company."