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"Up Next"- Adrian Noir

  Adrian's visuals and style has always caught my attention, and the attention of others. He is a model, with some editorials and runway shows under his belt. I had the opportunity to interview him about his experience as a NYC youth, who is trying to break even further into the industry. 

" My name is Adrian Noir, I’m from New York City and I’m currently a working model trying to transition into being a stylist."

Overall how has the modeling experience been for you so far?  

"I just did my first NYFW and walked multiple shows. Although I was hoping for something on a bigger scale, it was definitely a learning experience. I’ll be back in February to take over for sure."  

How was the experience of walking in those shows? 

  "It was interesting. With more press there, there was more pressure but I enjoyed that. It was encouraging to keep moving forward. "

For those who don't know the model lifestyle, what is the hardest part about being a model? 

  "The hardest challenge is rejection. There is not one model that hasn't got rejected. But it's not because they aren't good looking or have good style, but it’s more about the brands vision and look they are going for. It was hard for me to get rejected from jobs I wanted, but the best way to get over it is to move on and look for the next opportunity. You have to remember, this is still business. "  

Now that we covered some of your aspects as a model, how would you describe your own personal style? 

" Maintaining diversity, minimalism and class. "

What made you want to transition into styling?

 "I've always been interested in the visuals in magazine editorials. I have always wanted to get into that, and my favorite way to display my vision is through clothing."

I think your website ( is evident of the visual aspect of your style. How does the website play into things?

  "I started the website, because I saw it necessary for the future. I’ve had a lot of ideas that I came up with and never acted on, so in order to prevent what I call "paralysis analysis" I just had to get it out there so I could continuously improve on it and master it. It’s my virtual presence in a sense. You can expect some big things in the near future."  

How has being based in NYC helped you? 

" I’ve left New York very few times in my life and have never left the country so this culture is really all I know. In this city it really feels like you can have anything you want so being involved artistically in this area has really boosted my ambitious attitude. If I was based anywhere else, I don't think I would have the same opportunities. For example people think New York is a big city, but it's actually a small area that’s just heavily populated. The probability of being in a room with a valuable connection is very high, I would say it's the highest out of anywhere in the U.S. (but, that’s just my assumption). " 

How did you get into the fashion scene? 

  "As a kid I was always unhappy with the fit and quality of clothing cause my parents shopped at gap and old navy for me and my brother. I would try to stretch out shirts or have my mom stitch my clothes for a better fit. I actually never knew “designers” or high quality clothes existed until I was like 17. Once I knew there were better options out there, I couldn't settle for anything less.

So like any other kid who wanted sneakers or games and had parents who either couldn’t afford, didn’t understand the value of, or just wouldn’t pay for these things, I saved up for what I was into and bought my own clothes. And just from shopping around I grew attached to styling and the industry as a whole more and more. "

How is the experience of modeling for designers, and how do you get those opportunities?

  "At the end of the day -and this goes for people in any given industry- if your Authentic with what you do and are undeniably dope, people will want to work with you. You just have to put yourself out there. When I network with people -some of whom are designers or stylists- I’m always looking for an opening to show them my work and let it speak for itself. From that point they are almost always down to build. At this point of my progression, most people I work with and network with are coming up at the same time I am so we're really trying to help each other grow." 

How has being apart of "the youth of NYC" contributed to your life and career?

  " Being involved with NYC's youth means a lot to me because it's a movement in which I'm not alone. We're all trying to come together and although I'm not working with everybody apart of the culture at all times, it's a feeling of bigger purpose and something to represent."

Lastly what style advice can you share with us?

  "My style advice to others is to take the accents and details you like and always make it your own. Just because you like a particular style or designer doesn't mean you have to dress from head to toe in that everyday. Mix and match and switch it up day to day. Also, keep out of the main-stream because the currents are strong and you can lose yourself real easily."


Special thanks to Adrian, be sure to follow him to see whats next-  @adriannoir